Thursday, April 21, 2011

Smarter not Harder

A lot of people complain about how this is the microwave generation expecting instant results. That instead of working hard we want a pill to solve all our problems. I don't know, sometimes I wish more people would start taking pills so they can get off the cross.

It seems that work all too often becomes pinch hitter for life when all it really should be, all it really can be, is a necesarry evil we must endure in order to pursue the aspects of life that give us joy; traveling, hobbies, loved ones, sex blah blah blah.

As I rattled off generic examples of things that make us happy all I can really think of is getting home to peace and stillnes. Then, when the stillness gets stale I turn on the tv for a little while, practice my guitar, go work out, and at the end of the day snuggle with my girlfriend.

That's the kind of thing that should make people happy, not slaving away doing the work of others. I guess I'll just never see the appeal of being a tool.

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