Monday, April 25, 2011

I don't care how you were raised.

I remember my 11th grade geometry teacher saying he didn't want us to do something because "that's not how I was raised". Since then, and probably before that too, I've heard similiar logic, or lack thereof. I don't know, can you call someone's blind devotion to someone else's beliefs logical?

He was a nice guy, but that kind of statement makes me ashamed of the human race.

For real.

Look, I don't know your parents, they could the best parents on earth or they could be scum. The one thing I do know is that your parents aren't perfect. So, when someone says "that's not how I was raised" means nothing. It's a escape strategy from a conversation where you know you are wrong but don't want to admit it.

I often ponder the concept of free will. Is their a fate? Is all we do the result of genetic or parental programming? Can we make our own choices.

I would like to think we do, it's simply easier to go with the flow and not question ourselves which leads to us falling back on predispositions.

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