Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pre-Mid Life Crisis

The big 30 is coming in less than a year and it's haunting me. The whole notion of mortality has been like a bullet popping in and out of my skull.

So much time left and all I can do is imagine myself on my death bed, prepping for those first steps into the hereafter. It's depressing.

I finished my first book; "The Ghost Who Rocks" a couple of weeks ago. I asked my proffessor for advise on getting it published but he hasn't gotten back to me.

Right now I'm not even worried about whether or not it's successful. Of course I'd like it to be, but I doubt it. My real hope is that it will open doors for me writing not only more books, but writing other kinds of stories in TV, Movies, or Comic Books. That would be sweet.

But part of my Mid-Life crisis is the idea that maybe I'll never be what I want to be. Maybe I don't have the talent. Perhaps I'll end up a history teacher like my folks like everybody keeps telling me I will.

Love my parents, love history, and nothing against the teachers (who aren't pretentious, uptight drones) but it's not what I want to be. I enjoy creating stories, hate writing them down, but love coming up with them.

I just can't help but wonder if I am doomed to follow in footsteps that I don't want to and it's driving me insane.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All is well

Back together with my girlfriend. Things are better than ever. We still fight, but that's okay. The good outweighs the bad.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Without a Trace

Broke up with my girlfriend this morning.

I shouldn't be upset, I should be relieved. A part of me knew this was coming, that in the end it could never work. We are far too different and our values are far too different for us to have lasted. We are "two ships in the night".

We fought regularly, drifted away from each other, and our goals were worlds apart.

But I miss her already.

I swear, women never look so beautiful as they do during the last goodbye.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Mr & Mrs Genteel

I hate it when people think that children should refer to all adults as Mr or Mrs. It's utterly pretentious.

Being old doesn't make you wise, doesn't make you better, and it sure as rain doesn't make you a good person.

Flash fact, there is no age limit on stupidity and evil.

I can understand teachers needing to draw lines between themselves and 20-30 students but other than that it's just people on a ego trip.

Does anyone else see the huge contradiction in telling kids to respect their elders while at the same time telling them not to talk to strangers...most of whom are probably older? Most child predators, or all around bad guys, are adults. Wake up people.

What's more important; protecting children from the harsh realities of the world or being made to feel important with vapid titles?

Sorry to burst your egos, but it's not my fault you've chosen to rely on confucianism for self worth as opposed to building your own moral fiber.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shut up Bush Apologist.

He had NOTHING to do with Bin Laden being killed.

1) Bush called Obama to congratulate him on Bin Laden's demise.

2) The idea that this was a operation 4 years in the making (conveniently right before Herr Bush left office) is idiotic. It doesn't take the military for 4 years to strike. They can invade a entire country is two weeks for crying out loud.

3) Bush wanted Bin Laden captured before he left office to try and salvage his legacy. Another failure on his part.

The man was a authoritarian idiot who screwed up everything. Stop trying to make excuses for him and focus on fixing your party before they another colossal moron in the oval office (*COUGH*Sarah Palin*COUGH*)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Yes, God is great, but shut up about it already.

At least on the internet. I swear to God that there is nothing more annoying than seeing somebody's prairs on facebook.

Look, I believe in God, I believe that God is good, but it is downright cheesy talking about it on facebook (unless it is in the course of a conversation).

The only thing worse than that is a coach after the superbowl saying "God was with us" as if the almighty himself gives a hoot about where the pigskin lands.

You want to give thanks, go to church.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Today will mark the second time I have linked one of my blogs to Facebook.

I feel...dirty.

Makes me wonder how actors can watch themselves act, or rock stars watch themselves sing.

Isn't there something that says "I am whoring myself out for attention"? Do they mind that thought?

Guess I had better get used to it cause if I am ever to achieve my dreams I gotta learn to "pimp myself" out.


For me, LOL is like Chinese water torture.

It's a sharp object being rammed under my finger nails.

It's my teeth being pulled out one by one.

It's being on a radio show with a smelly back-stabbing schmuck who has a massive ego and foam on the corner of mouth.

Okay, I admit it, I have fallen prey to the depraved forces on the internet that turn human beings into obnoxious, latin speaking, nomenclatures. I have flamed, I have trolled, I have lurked, I've been addicted, and I'm sure that I have LOLed a time or two.

As a recovering net-aholic I can, with some authority, state the evils of the internet.

Spam, scams, and the anonymity that turns losers into trolls or snobs into pretentious moderators.

But nothing, NOTHING, is worse than "LOL".

Hank Moody from Californication hated LOL too because it was the "death of the english language". It was writing without grammar and punctuation. I could care less about grammar, in fact I despise it with all my heart and soul (but that is a blog for another day) but I do agree that LOL sucks.

First of all, it doesn't make sense. Who laughs in silence? It is utterly redundant.

Second, it's one more way for supercillius dweebs to be condescending and dense.

Conversations go something like this-

"Katrina is far different than the BP oil spill because Bush left those people to die in the superdome".

"LOL, no he didn't".

"How do you explain what happened with those people after 9/11"

"LOL, no he didn't"

It's the internet equivolent of laughing in your face. Only face to face that kind of nervous laughter is a knee jerk reaction that acts as a defense mechanism. LOL is a deliberate tactic for being a jerk.

Third, it's WAY overused.

LOLers, I beg of you, give up your evil ways. Don't go towards the light of pop culture idiocy.

I don't care how you were raised.

I remember my 11th grade geometry teacher saying he didn't want us to do something because "that's not how I was raised". Since then, and probably before that too, I've heard similiar logic, or lack thereof. I don't know, can you call someone's blind devotion to someone else's beliefs logical?

He was a nice guy, but that kind of statement makes me ashamed of the human race.

For real.

Look, I don't know your parents, they could the best parents on earth or they could be scum. The one thing I do know is that your parents aren't perfect. So, when someone says "that's not how I was raised" means nothing. It's a escape strategy from a conversation where you know you are wrong but don't want to admit it.

I often ponder the concept of free will. Is their a fate? Is all we do the result of genetic or parental programming? Can we make our own choices.

I would like to think we do, it's simply easier to go with the flow and not question ourselves which leads to us falling back on predispositions.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Justin Bieber is the anti-christ

I don't mean to sound like a pretentious, semi-old person trying to use nostalgia to make an entire generation out to be inferior, but something is seriously awry nowadays when it comes to creative part of the spectrum.

Justin Bieber is just a small part of the desicration of not only rock and roll, but of entertainment in general. With is cheesy lines and generic titles. There is no art in his music, just platitudes designed to cajole the female persuasion into buying his albums. A long time ploy used by record labels, but at least with the Beatles you had substance along with sex appeal.

It's not just the Bieb, music has become increasingly banal with limited material (sex, partying or love) and ridiculous stretch rhymes (floor and low DON'T RHYME, it's a lyrical copout).

Movies are almost as shameless. For years now originality has been about as scarce as unicorns. For the most part the theatre's are dominated by remake's and sequels.

That's not all.

Yes, I am a comic book geek, shut up. Instead of focusing on the unique qualities of comics, companies are on a mission to emulate cinema ((Particularly Marvel who have blatantly ripped off movie posters for their event "Siege") which ultimately will do nothing other than make comics more of a joke, riding on the coat tail of film as they regurgitate classic plots and call them new. Why? Because they are out of ideas. They'd rather mimic than try and be original (a very capitalist way of thinking that goes back to AT LEAST the 80's).

Not only are they panamiming cinema, but they are trying to take advantage the reality entertainment crowd who could care less about plot and characters and only want something flashy and "real". They don't care how stupid the people on Jersey Shore are, they eat it up. Therefore Brian Michael Bendis (one of the biggest proponents of realism in comics) make the characters look "real" with run on sentences and over the top drama, that are usually out of character or a misrepresentation of the character, he manages to capture the realism crowd.

Ironically, the only place you can really find something interesting and compelling nowadays is one hour TV with shows like House and Dexter (who, in all honesty, use The Sopranos and Oz as templates, but they are still brilliant).

I say it's ironic because TV is where it all began with stupid reality shows like the Real World and American Idol. There are exceptions of course, I still think the Osbournes is one of the best shows ever. Regardless I still hold reality tv responsible for the zombification of the American audience (and beyond).

I guess I can't blame the industries for playing on the low standards of viewers and readers, nowadays. I can only blame the people.

My theory is that is that 9/11 shocked us into an Age of Reality just as the Civil War shocked people into the Age of Realism. So disenfranchised with the world, people don't want to see or hear fantastic tales, they want relatable accounts. Something they really believe in. I get that, I do, but when it gets to the point of sheer stupidity then I become resentful.

I can only hope that stagnating fear that we allowed to rob us of our wits after The World Trade center soon passes through our system, along with all the other waste, so that we can regain our appreciation of the artistic.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama...don't mess this up.

So things look kinda bleak for the U.S right now. Good news is that thanks to the news things always look bleak. Bad news is that all the historical signs of imperical collapse are present; internal corruption, discontent, over extended military, money problems, and the arrogance of thinking that you are beyond the historical signs of imperical collapse.

I watch the news and see the happenings in Libya and think "oh no". It's not that I think the United States shouldn't step in to try and stop genocide, it's just that everytime we step into the Middle East (Libya is close enough) we end up making things worse. It's an ancient part of the world and the mentality that exists there is older than the U.S. We just don't seem to comprehend the fact that not everyone agrees with the U.S, not everyone needs us. The world existed long before the United States took the reigns and it will exist long after us as well. We will never be able to help others for as long as we refuse to accept the fact that we are not the end all/be all of righteousness.

That's just one of many concerns I have for this country along with the polarization and financial issues. I just hope that Obama is up for the challenge.

I hate it when nitwit Republicans refer to Obama as the "messiah" as if everyone didn't rally around Herr Bush after 9/11. The truth is that Obama is president because Republicans put him there by being colossul failures who made everything worse. We have rallied around Obama to fix the mess that they made. I'm not saying the Democrats didn't screw things up or add to the problem, but you would be hard pressed to convince me the Republicans aren't more to blame. And yes Whoopi Goldberg (wisest person on TV) I am finger pointing, because I think in order to solve a problem you have to point at it first.

Obama, please don't screw this up. Pretty please. The last thing we need is the Republicans having a valid reason to say "I told you so".

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The whole concept of Vulgarity is asinine

I hate snobs who are so desperate for an ego boost that they will romanticize something as trivial as arbitrary words in order to feel educated and elite.

A lot of people would argue that words aren't arbitrary, but they are wrong. They can't possibly be right, it's like saying the ground is intangible. I can call a dog a cat and nothing will change. It's the symbols that words stand for that matter and words can be used to symbolize many different things which in and of itself proves how arbitrary they are.

If I were to refer to a...refigerator as a toolbox long enough that it caught on and enough people started using toolbox to symbolize a machine that keeps food cold that a consensus would be reached, then toolbox would officially stand for a frig.

The "N-bomb" is probably the most offensive word in the world because it was what slavers referred to slaves as because most of them came from Nigeria. Well, if those slaves came from Rawanda instead then "Rawander" would be offensive and the N-bomb would be as innocuous in perception as it is in reality.

I don't curse in my blogs for the simple fact that I am trying to prove the people, who make the myopic argument that cursing limits a vocabulary and shows a lack of intelligence, to be wrong.

What's worse is that the people who whine about foul language don't even know why it's offensive to them. They are mindlessly carrying on a antiquated social taboo that they don't understand as though they are nothing but robots.

The concept of vulgarity is one of the most disconcerting manifestation of human idiocy.

American Exceptionalism

How can anybody mutter this expression and not feel drenched in ethnocentric kool-aid?

I liked Obama's statement about how he feels America is exceptional the same way a Brit would feel Britain is exceptional, but you know there are a lot of nitwits out there using the concept as an excuse for narcissism and imperialism. It happened a few years ago when the minions of Herr Bush tried to say it made us excempt from international law.

American Exceptionalism strikes me as being disconcertingly similiar to another piece of nationalistic propaganda that Germans refered to as "Boden Geist" which essentially meant that just by living on German land you were superior to others and we all (well, all us sane ones that don't deny the holocaust) know where that kind of thinking leads.

As if this notion of exceptionalism wasn't pathological enough, you also have the misbegotten idea of America being beyond the pitfalls that other great empires fell prey to in the past. Ugh, the problem with that is that EVERY great empire thought they were too great to fail. Rome and Egypt both said "Oh, well, this can't happen to us" and it did.

Every nation on earth has a reason to believe they are the best, every nation can point out to some aspect of other countries and say "you suck", which is precisely why I have chosen not to play the patriotism games. America is my home, it's as good a place to live as any, and I see no reason to try and make it into more than that in the name of attenuated pride.

Smarter not Harder

A lot of people complain about how this is the microwave generation expecting instant results. That instead of working hard we want a pill to solve all our problems. I don't know, sometimes I wish more people would start taking pills so they can get off the cross.

It seems that work all too often becomes pinch hitter for life when all it really should be, all it really can be, is a necesarry evil we must endure in order to pursue the aspects of life that give us joy; traveling, hobbies, loved ones, sex blah blah blah.

As I rattled off generic examples of things that make us happy all I can really think of is getting home to peace and stillnes. Then, when the stillness gets stale I turn on the tv for a little while, practice my guitar, go work out, and at the end of the day snuggle with my girlfriend.

That's the kind of thing that should make people happy, not slaving away doing the work of others. I guess I'll just never see the appeal of being a tool.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lazy Capitalist

It's days like today where I am hemoraging money, my car is broke down, can't find a job, have to pay for tuition, and pay rent where I start to wish that our society had more socialism in it. Maybe that's just me being lazy, not wanting to waste the only life I have competing for ephemeral possessions out of antiquated notions of achievement. Or perhaps it's the capitalist in me wanting to be selfish and take away from others who wish to engage in conspicious consumption.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The First Dao

Not quite sure why I am hurling myself into the depths of cyberspace with this blog, I'm either seeking an outlet for the thoughts and ideas that trap me within my own head or (more likely) throwing out a bottle hoping that a kindred spirit out there will find something compelling and interesting within my cumbersome thoughts. So yeah, it comes down to me being an introvert or an attention whore.                                                               
All I really want is to have a job I enjoy and allows me to pursue an actual life. As of now I am fairly certain that my best bet would be becoming a writer. I'm not sure if being a writer is really something my heart desires or if it is just the last of my interests I haven't sabotaged as a possible career. All I can tell you is that I definitely prefer my imagination to the real world which actually isn't all that bad right now. I've spent most of my life fighting the world or myself so now I have a responsibility to appreciate these good times.

My nuclear family are all healthy and good.

I have a booming social life.

I am doing well in college.

I live with my girlfriend who has undertaken the task of wrangling my meandering mind (considering how hard she's been working at it I am forced to really face the possibility that I have truly lost my marbles along the way).

Other than an irrationally bruised ego from getting my ass kicked in Jiu Jitsu last night, I can honestly say that everything is...great. I have everything I ever wanted, now I just need to do the things I put off so I could daydream of the life I am currently living.

Figure that while I am doing that I might as well blog.